Little Ruby, tiny treasure, my baby, my dear, little one I'll be with you very soon, very soon. Tender heart take your comfort in the arms of those near 'til the day I will hold you my baby.

Thursday, October 11, 2007


For some reason, we can't access the front page of our blog, or any of your commments so far. I think I was able to set it to where it will email me all of the new comments from here on out... We could tell that there were several comments, and we thank you for being here with us. Know that we love you all. Today we are going to Tiananmen Square, the Forbidden City and on a Rickshaw Hutong Tour. We'll try to post pictures later. Mom's so distracted and really wants to go to Changsha, where we pick up Ruby. But we are all having a really fun time. Love you guys!


lori shepler - said...

i just stumbled across your blog, but wanted to let you know we're praying for you/your ruby - we've got a ruby too & we adopted her from haiti (came home in '05), she's 4 now & a 'gem'

lori (

Grammy said...

It's so great to be able to "travel with you" with this blog - thanks so much for all the info and photos - it is so interesting!!!

I'm sure you are enjoying all the sightseeing and learning more about China, but as you said about Angie, I know you are all anxious to go to Changsha. Enjoy each day and learn what you can. Our love and prayers are with you!!!

Grammy and Grandpa

Jeanne said...

Hey guys!
Found you through Jamie. SOOOO exciting to be able to follow your journey to Ruby. Looks like you're having a good time, but I know your thoughts are only on one thing really. Can't wait to see Ruby in all the family pictures! Saying a prayer for you right now!
~Jeanne Schroder

Karla said...

Thanks for keeping us up to date - technology is great! We are praying for all of you and Ruby and we know you are anxious...the pictures are great. Love Paul, Karla Elana and Charlie

Michele said...

Our thoughts and prayers will be with you Sunday night here as you meet your beautiful new little girl!!

Kelly, Michele, Brooke and Brady

The Shingletons said...

Hey Guys!! We're so excited for you and praying for you! I got a call today from the vet. They said that Mabel has had a lot of mucous'y discharge from her nose and is sneezing a lot. They also said her teeth look bad and would like to give her an antibiotic since she will be there so long. Is that okay? I am supposed to call them back. Just let me know on my email-

So fun to keep up with you, Abbie, you're doing a great job updating everything! Love you all!

stevedebsamryan said...

Thanks for sharing this incredible journey with us! We can't wait to see Ruby!

Love - Sam, Ryan, Steve and Deb