Little Ruby, tiny treasure, my baby, my dear, little one I'll be with you very soon, very soon. Tender heart take your comfort in the arms of those near 'til the day I will hold you my baby.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Honey, It's Time.....

"Honey, it's time. I am sure this is it!" God will deliver this baby into our hands. Everyone who has been to China to adopt without exception has made it very clear that this is a life changing experience. How do you prepare for that? In many ways I feel so beyond ready to go, go, go!!!! In other ways I feel inadequate. Have I studied enough about China to truly appreciate this experience? Have I read enough about the incredible transition that I will need to help Ruby through? Have I given my three girlies here enough Mommy time to justify an extreme attention shift for a time? Have I prepared their hearts and minds to receive this child? Am I ready to parent another child? I am so thankful that in all of my inadequacies God is able. I felt inadequate upon adding each of our girls to our family. I am not able. I am weak and thank God this is where He likes for me to be. This is where He has the best opportunity to shine. Please pray that we are able to receive and embrace each day fully. Pray that God would mold us into vessels that would be useful for His service. We go in the name of Jesus to a far away land to bring home a treasure to lay at the feet of our King.

And we're off on our life changing adventure... The next time I post, we'll be in China!!!!


Amy said...

Praying for a smooth trip to China for you all. What an adventure for your girls! I wish I was going along just to watch their faces.
Have a blessed time. Ruby is so blessed.

Amy Gadapee

Unknown said...

Angie, my precious daughter. You know that you have been the treasure of my heart. I cannot express how very proud Dad and I are of you. Such an amazing thing you are doing in sharing your life with a motherless child. I pray that she will someday understand this amazing gift she's been given.
I love you,

The Shingletons said...

David, Angie, Abby, Emily and Phoebe,
I am in tears as I write this, thinking of your next few weeks. I am so excited for what your famiy is getting ready to experience. I am so excited for the new life Ruby will soon experience. God, in all His wisdom, knew that one day you would all be together. He planned for this baby girl to grow up knowing that He is our Savior. She will never have to hear about Him in secret. She will know that He is Truth, Light and our Hope. He knew that you would hold sweet Ruby in your arms on this upcoming special day. You have been blessed my sweet friends. I praise Him for this gift, and will continue to pray for you until you return safely! I love you all, Shawnah

Tony said...

You guys are in our prayers! Just the fact that you and your family are going to China is a great adventure. The educational value is unspeakable! But to get to bring home a REAL LIVE CHINA DOLL is beyond words. We look forward to following your progress. You are in our hearts and prayers in Texas.

We love you guys and wish you a safe journey!

Tony, Janie, Tori, Joey, & June

Grammy said...

Our prayers and love go with you all, Dear Heart. You have been so blessed with the wonderful 3 girls you have, and now to share your lives with a sweet, precious little orphan shows the depth of love, faith and willingness to give from all of you. Ruby is so blessed to come to such an open, loving, and faith-filled family.

I hope you are resting well for your journey - we pray that it will be safe and a wonderful experience for all of you. BIG HUGS TO ALL - INCLUDING RUBY!!!


Gwen Oatsvall said...

Enjoy the adventure and prepare your hearts to be forever changed and watch God preform a miracle !!

Tina said...

I am PRAYING over you, loving you and knowing that GOD is beginning such an extravagant NEW THING!

Amy said...

Praying for your family and especially for the heart of Ruby. Ruby is not an orphan, it was God's plan since before the world began for her to be your daughter. It just took a little longer for her to get her family. I pray that it is in this, that she will find her peace. I cannot wait to watch what our Father does in the lives of these precious treasures. Praying for you guys!

The Hoods