Little Ruby, tiny treasure, my baby, my dear, little one I'll be with you very soon, very soon. Tender heart take your comfort in the arms of those near 'til the day I will hold you my baby.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Little Ruby, Tiny Treasure

I think it's crazy how in love you can be with a girl half way around the world that you don't even know anything about yet. i think it's even more crazy to think about it being my little baby sister, Ruby. One of my largest weaknesses is to be patient. Maybe God wants the wait to be longer for a reason. maybe the reason is for our family to practice our patience. i didn't ever think that adoption would be this hard. But the thing is i can't wait. i can't wait any longer. i have already waited over a year, and now another year? this is so hard for me i can't even put it down in words how much i miss my little Ruby. I have no idea what she looks like or how old she is. i only know that soon enough, if i am patient, she'll be with us, here in our arms. Our little Ruby, tiny treasure.

-Emily Anna

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1 comment:

Angie said...

I am so glad that God has already tied your heart to Ruby. She is very blessed to have you as her big sister!
