This was us in the airport at Hong Kong waiting to go home...
Sorry it has taken so long to post. We are adjusting very well though it was extremely difficult at first. After the dreaded biting incident in Changsha, Ruby was afraid of me and took to her Daddy which is perfectly understandable but it still left my heart in pieces. We have had to isolate Ruby and I to promote a strong bond and it is working. She still prefers her Dad when he enters the room and screams when he exits (you would think he was Elvis or something). Because of this, I have found that she and I feel the same that way about David. She just responds with reckless abandon and I play hard to get...
We are finally on schedule with our sleeping. They say it takes two weeks to recover and I can surely testify to that. Today is the two week mark and I am actually starting to feel human again. We have tried to get back into the swing of schooling but boy, is it a challenge. I try not to beat myself up about it and continue to make efforts to accomplish the tasks at hand. I can do this. It's not easy but I can do it by the grace of God.
Now... on to Ruby. She was a little aggressive at first but, thank God she is beyond that. I can't imagine what is going through her head with all of the changes in her life. She is an incredible sleeper and a great eater. I am enjoying so much watching her do the simplest things like eating a candy bar or sucking her big toe. She has picked up many new words like "hello, hi, wow, look, baba, bubble, meow-meow, yeah, love you, mama, dada". I know there are more that I can't think of right now. Bath time is her favorite time though in China we had to bathe standing in the tub. We take her to the pediatric cardiologist next week and I will let you know how that goes. Her heart feels so different that anything I've felt before. At first it was a little frightening.
My house is completely out of sorts as we had to get the tubs down out of the attic for the biyearly wardrobe change. Life is messy, meals aren't what I want them to be but we are blessed beyond measure. We have plenty of food, clean clothes, soft, warm beds and laughter every day. Ruby is such a bright addition to our family.
I'm in love...